In 2020, a huge pandemics happened without any expectations.
Many people had been feeling in a negative way, a common view is that they think their life was being paused. However, some other people find a way to deal with themselves and improve in various aspects under the same situation.
I started to realize how an event's impact on us is completely depend on how we view the event. If we view the paused life as "halt", then our life is definitely plain and boring. If we view it with a positive energy, the life is completely continuous, and not halted.
With this concept in mind, I started to gain interest in making a piece investigating the relationship between attitude and events' development, as well as how I view the word, "HALT".
Considering the duality on the same object, I have quickly connected my idea to a beating heart. A beating heart symbolize life. On the other hand, when the beating heart was paused, it means death.
I then looked up online to learn the structure of the heart in order to make an accurate art piece.

I also did a few sketches in this stage
