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In your opinion, what does it mean to be an artist? 

In many people's mind, being an artist seems to be unrealistic, some might even view artist and designer as the type of people who don't really related to the society like the lawyer and other jobs did. However, it is completely a different theory in my eyes. 

Being an artist, especially a designer, it means to deliver the ideas and thoughts with a whole new different language, the language of art. As an asian kid, I am able to speak two languages, Mandarain and also English. In addition, as an artitst, I can speak a new language, art. I talk and communicate with art. 


Art itself is really powerful to me, for language like mandarain, it requires the audience to learn the language for years in order to understand the meaning. However, for art, people are born with the ability to "speak" art. 

I love using art to communicate with various people around the world in the topic of Psychology, Sociology, Visual Communication and so on. With art, a complex idea like what I mentioned in the "HALT" project, the relationship between receiver's attitude and outcomes of an event, can be made clear and delivered to all. 


It is clear that being an artist cannot physically save the world like the superhero in movies and TV series did, but artist can absolutely save the world mentally with people around the world. They are able to deliver a social problem, ask audience for attention, and alert them for changes. 

Yici Chen

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